Staying budget-minded in your everyday practices is a wise decision. Small savings today can pave way for a prosperous future. And those small savings can be brought about by minimizing the usage of daily things. One such essential thing, and most overused, is detergent powder. Most of the homeowners might cut corners in other aspects, but they stay very liberal towards the usage of detergent powder. But, simple changes in the washing preparation and cycle can save you a significant amount of detergent. And that leads to significant savings over your laundry costs. With that thought in mind, we would like to tell you about some small hacks into using minimum detergent powder to get great savings.
First of all, it is essential to choose a washing powder that is proven to remove stains and dirt with minimum efforts, even if you have to invest a slightly higher sum to purchase such a product. Average stain and dirt cleaners are not potent enough when used in a small dose. Thus, a large packet of average detergent finishes quicker than a medium-sized packet of higher-priced detergent powder. Secondly, a little effort on your part can make a big difference in the amount of detergent required for a wash. Yes, if you happen to pre-treat the stains and soak the clothes for enough time in partially warm water, then the cleaning cycle needs less quantity of powder, as the dirt or stains are quite loose by the time you start washing them.
Thirdly, dividing the clothes as per their material or level of cleaning required (stains vs dirt) makes a big difference in the consumption of detergent powder. While stained clothes require different treatment, dirty clothes have to be cleaned in a different process altogether. But in the busy schedule of the times, most people stack all their laundry in one big basket and wash all the clothes together. This small convenience can lead to extra costs at the end of the month. Lastly, most of the modern households follow common washing malpractice. All the clothes are kept stacked up for the entire week and then washed together on weekends. This long wait before cleaning becomes a major roadblock for the washing powders. They have to wash stubborn stains/dirt, while the same could have been achieved with ease if the clothes were washed right away or even at the end of the day. We do not suggest a daily washing schedule, for we understand your busy lifestyle, but try to wash the clothes at least twice or thrice a week to minimize the usage of detergent powder.
We hope these tips would help you minimize the usage of detergent powder in the future days.