You must hate the sound of tomato souse landing on your favorite gown in the middle of a romantic dine out. How much you try, you just can’t control the lumps of chocolate cake to fall on the brand new birthday dress of your baby. After coming back from the office, you may discover the wrath of the leaky pen on your husband’s shirt. Perhaps, these are the situations we barely avoid in our daily lives. Stains are the irritating annoyance that can ruin your favorite piece of cloth within a few seconds.

Instead of freak out, you need to know the important steps that you should take to get rid of the blotch. Although there are many stain removers available in the market, they may damage the fabric due to the high content of bleach. You have to use quality detergent powders like Safed following by some steps to remove the spots competently.

  • Remove Excess Stains: If something falls on the cloth, you have to use a paper towel, a spoon, a fork or a brush to remove the excess part of the stain. It is important for a dried up stains too to save the other part of the garment. Remember; do not rub the place harshly.
  • Immediate water therapy: Just after, your cloth gets the stain, try to wash it off with plain water as soon as possible. If there is any proper solvent available, you can wash with it for the best result.
  • Pre-treat the stains: Before you pre-treat the part, you have to know the nature and type of the stain as you need different methods for each of the material.
  • Oily stains: You have to soak the cloth on the solution of warm water, detergent and dishwasher liquid for 30 minutes.
  • Enzymatic Stains: You have to pour liquid detergent or a thick paste of detergent on the spot directly. Now you have to rub the fabric gently together in a circular motion so that the detergent can work on the cloth.
  • Body Soil Stains: If you have to rinse the soil with running cold water.
  • Mud or Clay Stain: You need to presoak the cloth on a solution of cold water and detergent for 30 minutes.
  • Detergent Wash: After the pretreatment, you have to add the right amount of detergent in the water as mentioned on the packet or bottle according to the load size.
  • Wash It Well: Now, you have to wash the garment as per the settings of the fabric quality to get the best result.
  • Check Before Drying: You need to remove the stains completely before putting the cloth in the drier as it may set the stains permanently.